Tuesday, January 17, 2012

To Swaddle or Not To Swaddle

Since Harper was born, she has loved being swaddled!
She slept so much better when she was all snug and cozy.
We have used the swaddle me, miracle blanket, and now the halo sleep sack.
These were all great for different stages of sleep/size.
I honestly think those (and Pampers baby dry) have been the reason she started sleeping through the night at 8 weeks. 

Last week, we noticed she seemed to be getting restless at night. Plus, she has been rolling over some (I need to get on video to post), and I have been worried that keeping her swaddled for much longer could be dangerous.  So, Josh and I looked up ways to "wean" off swaddling.  I, of course, didn't want to mess with our system...fearing she would wake every hour!

 So, we decided to try putting her arms in the sack and loosely swaddle. This gives her room to move her arms around...but not so much that she jerks awake.  The first few nights it went really well, and she seemed to sleep much better.

Until this morning...
Our little Houdini found a way to get both her arms through the arm holes! ha!
I have no idea at what point in the night this occurred...but she seemed fine with it.
She did wake up an hour earlier than usual...so I might finish out the week "inside the sack".
Then, it suggests moving one arm out at at time, but keep a tight wrap around their stomach/chest for comfort.
We shall see what ends up working.
For now, I think she is finally comfortable being "free".  Let's hope she doesn't jerk awake all night!


  1. I'll call you later on my long a$$ drive this afternoon...but I JUST went through this with Lucas and have some advice (really just stuff not to do - ha!). Harper is precious. Can you just ship her down here to me, please??? Thanks ;)

  2. We had to break Gavin of the swaddle very early, at 2 1/2 months, since he was having his surgery and would no longer be able to have his arms tight on him and it was so hard on him. It took him about 2 weeks to finally learn to get comfy on his own without being restricted. We did what you are talking about with ding one arm out, then two, etc. He quickly learned to undo the velcro on the swaddleme wrap once we took his arms out and he would kick the wrap off. You are right though that if they can roll, they need to be free. I hope she does well with the transition. It might be a few rocky nights, but it will get better. Good luck, Momma!
